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  • JKAN(Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing)

JKAN(Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing)

년도별 ‘권’과 ‘호’를 선택해 주세요 (ISSN 1598-2874(38권 4호까지), ISSN 2005-3673(38권 5호부터)

제목 The Effect of a Social Skills Program on Violent Behaviors in Children Aged 60~72 Months
저자 : Tülay KUZLU AYYILDIZ,Güler CİMETE 게시일 : 2019년 12월 페이지 : p771~p782
저자 Tülay KUZLU AYYILDIZ,Güler CİMETE 게시일 2019년 12월 페이지 p771~p782 인쇄
파일 10)19-081.pdf
키워드 Social Skills; Violence; Behavior; Nursing; Parent-Child Relations
Purpose: To determine the effects of a child and parent program on developing social skills for preventing violent behaviors in children aged 60~72 months through a specially developed pre and posttest, control group, quasi-experimental study. Methods: A social skills development program based on Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence Theory was used. The data were collected using the Social Skills Assessment Scale (SSAS), a Chart to Monitor Verbal and Behavioral Violence in Children, the Parental Attitude Scale and the Parent Interview Form. This quasi-experimental study that included a pretest, posttest, and control group had a sample comprising 67 children and parents, with 36 in the experimental group, and 31 in the control group. Results: Over a six-month period, while the social skill scores of the children in the experimental and control groups increased, their violent behaviors decreased (p<.050). Increase in social skill scores and decrease in violent behaviors were higher in the experimental than in the control group children (p<.050). The parents in the experimental group stated that they had started to empathize with their children, using “I” language, and applied rules more consistently after the program. Conclusion: This program was successful in preventing violent behaviors in children through the development of social skills. Hence, it can be effectively implemented through a teacher/nurse collaboration.