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년도별 ‘권’과 ‘호’를 선택해 주세요 (SSN 1598-2874(38권 4호까지), ISSN 2005-3673(38권 5호부터)

Subject 혼종모형을 이용한 임상간호사의 사회지능 개념분석
Name : 이경란, 이나경, 오 희, 박경애 Date : 2024년 08월 Page : p459~p474
Name 이경란, 이나경, 오 희, 박경애 Date 2024년 08월 Page p459~p474 인쇄
File (13) 혼종모형을 이용한 임상간호사의 사회지능 개념분석.pdf
Keyword Social Intelligence; Nurses; Clinical Competence; Analysis
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to conduct a concept analysis of social intelligence in nurses so that applying social intelligence to the nursing field. Methods: In this study, we followed the hybrid model procedure, involving the following steps: First, in the theoretical stage, the attributes and definitions of the concept of social intelligence were determined through literature review. Second, the concepts’reality was confirmed during fieldwork. In the final analysis stage, the results confirmed in the theoretical and fieldwork stages were compared and analyzed to confirm the properties and definition of the concept. Results: Nurses’ social intelligence consists of three dimensions: social cognitive nursing competency, human-centered social evolution, and skills for solving complex nursing situations. Nurses’ social intelligence is a professional nursing competency that flexibly coordinates complex nursing situations, developed through accumulating experiences of continuous reflection and relationship expansion based on receptive listening and social sensitivity in clinical interpersonal relationships. Conclusion: Nurses’ social intelligence is widely used in clinical practice and is shown to have a significant direct and indirect impact on clinical nursing. To effectively apply social intelligence in the clinical context, individual and organizational efforts are required to share and transfer knowledge and capacity-building methods through collective intelligence and education.