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  • ANR (Asian Nursing Research)

ANR (Asian Nursing Research)

년도별 ‘권’과 ‘호’를 선택해 주세요 (ISSN 1598-2874(38권 4호까지), ISSN 2005-3673(38권 5호부터)

제목 Knowledge and Health Beliefs of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Associated with Breastfeeding Intention Among Pregnant Women in Bangladesh
저자 : Youngji Kim; Jung Lim Lee; In Sun Jang; Seungmi Park 게시일 : 2020년 08월 페이지 : p144~p149
저자 Youngji Kim; Jung Lim Lee; In Sun Jang; Seungmi Park 게시일 2020년 08월 페이지 p144~p149 인쇄
파일 Knowledge and Health Beliefs of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus.pdf
키워드 breast feeding; diabetes, gestational; knowledge; self efficacy
Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the knowledge of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) and the
health beliefs about GDM management, as well as to investigate the effects of these factors on breastfeeding
intention in Bangladesh.
Methods: This study involved a cross-sectional survey of 358 healthy pregnant women who visited
antenatal clinics in Bangladesh.
Results: Perceived susceptibility, perceived benefit, and self-efficacy were identified as significant factors
for breastfeeding intention (p < .05). Participants had a poor understanding and a lack of knowledge of
GDM, which can lead to inadequate health behavior. Health beliefs were significantly associated with
participants’ breastfeeding intention related to GDM.
Conclusion: Antenatal education for breastfeeding in GDM mothers should focus on providing accurate
information on GDM and strengthening their health beliefs such as self-efficacy within the context of the
mothers’ culture.