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  • ANR (Asian Nursing Research)

ANR (Asian Nursing Research)

년도별 ‘권’과 ‘호’를 선택해 주세요 (ISSN 1598-2874(38권 4호까지), ISSN 2005-3673(38권 5호부터)

제목 Development and Validation of a Management of Workplace Violence Competence Scale for Nursing Practicum Students
저자 : Lu Dongyan; Yeun-Sim Jeong Sarah; Zhu Lingyan 게시일 : 2021년 02월 페이지 : p23~p29
저자 Lu Dongyan; Yeun-Sim Jeong Sarah; Zhu Lingyan 게시일 2021년 02월 페이지 p23~p29 인쇄
파일 15(1)-4.pdf
키워드 nursing; psychometrics; students; workplace violence
Purpose: The aim of this study was to develop a scale to measure nursing students' competence in managing violence from patients and relatives in the hospital where nursing students perform clinical practicum.
Methods: Literature review and Delphi expert consultation were utilized to develop the content of the management of workplace violence competence scale (MWVCS). A convenience sample of 797 nursing students responded to the questionnaire. Exploratory factor analysis of the scale was performed. Internal consistency and testeretest reliability were examined.
Results: The MWVCS consisted of 40 items with a five-point scale. Seven factors explained 63.2% of the total explained variance. The content validity index for the scale was .99. Cronbach's a of the scale was .96, and testeretest correlations were found to be ≥ .76.
Conclusion: The MWVCS is a reliable and valid scale for nursing educators to assess the level of students' competence in violence management and to evaluate the effectiveness of education to enhance their ability to manage workplace violence.