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  • ANR (Asian Nursing Research)

ANR (Asian Nursing Research)

년도별 ‘권’과 ‘호’를 선택해 주세요 (ISSN 1598-2874(38권 4호까지), ISSN 2005-3673(38권 5호부터)

제목 Influencing Factors on Nursing Students’ Learning Flow during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Mixed Method Research
저자 : JinRyung Park; Minjeong Seo 게시일 : 2022년 02월 페이지 : p35~p44
저자 JinRyung Park; Minjeong Seo 게시일 2022년 02월 페이지 p35~p44 인쇄
파일 Influencing Factors on Nursing students' Learning Flow during the COVID-19 Pandemic.pdf
키워드 COVID-19, education, nursing, students
Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the factors affecting nursing students' learning flow in COVID-
19 pandemic situations through mixed-method research.
Method: Of the 245 nursing students participating in the survey, 20 participated in a focus group
interview. Quantitative data were analyzed using stepwise multiple regression analysis. Qualitative data
were analyzed using content analysis.
Results: The factors affecting the learning flow of nursing students during the COVID-19 pandemic were
their self-regulated learning ability (b ¼ .24, p ¼ .001); learning motivation (b ¼ .23, p ¼ .001); selfefficacy
in clinical practice (b ¼ .14, p ¼ .014); and lecture type, or a mixture of recorded and realtime
video lectures (b ¼ .13, p ¼ .022). As a result of the qualitative study, eight categories and 22
subcategories were derived. The eight categories are: a lack of preparation in the starting of virtual
classes, adapting and growing in a new learning environment, enhancing nursing knowledge and skills
through virtual clinical training, self-regulation difficulties when studying alone due to social distancing,
difficulty concentrating when learning online, disadvantages of virtual learning, concerns about academic
performance, and missing opportunities to enjoy college life.
Conclusion: Students attempted to discover their own learning expertise through virtual learning while
concerned that they would be unable to fully establish their competence to work as actual hospital
nurses due to a lack of clinical practice. In such a learning environment, systematic support and strategies
are needed to increase the learning flow of nursing students.