
  • 홈
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  • JKAN(Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing)

JKAN(Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing)

년도별 ‘권’과 ‘호’를 선택해 주세요 (ISSN 1598-2874(38권 4호까지), ISSN 2005-3673(38권 5호부터)

제목 음주 수준에 따른 여자 대학생의 임신 중 음주 인식 비교: 계획된 행위 이론을 적용하여
저자 : 강샘이,김혜원 게시일 : 2019년 12월 페이지 : p690~p700
저자 강샘이,김혜원 게시일 2019년 12월 페이지 p690~p700 인쇄
파일 03)19-100.pdf
키워드 Alcohol Drinking, Pregnancy, Alcohol-Related Disorders, Awareness
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the awareness of alcohol use during pregnancy and factors influencing the intention to abstain from alcohol during pregnancy by drinking levels. Methods: Utilizing a comparative descriptive design, a total of 359 female college students were recruited. Measurements were Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) variables related awareness of alcohol use during pregnancy, Korean Version of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test, knowledge about alcohol use during pregnancy, and socio-demographic factors. Main variables were compared by drinking levels. The factors influencing the intention to abstain from alcohol during pregnancy were identified using hierarchical regression analysis. Results: Non-problematic alcohol behavior group (n=185) had higher the intention to abstain from alcohol during pregnancy than problematic alcohol behavior group (n=174) (t=3.13, p=.002). The significant TPB variables influencing the intention to abstain from alcohol during pregnancy were that attitudes (β =-.44, p<.001), subjective norms (β =.14, p=.026), and perceived behavior control (β =.19, p=.002) in non-problematic alcohol behavior group, whereas the corresponding variables in the problematic alcohol behavior group were attitudes (β =-.51, p<.001) and subjective norms (β =.21, p=.006). Conclusion: It is necessary to increase the intention to abstain from alcohol during pregnancy for the female college students having problematic alcohol behavior. The following strategies are recommended for them; decreasing acceptable attitudes toward alcohol use during pregnancy and reinforcing the influence of social pressure toward to abstain from alcohol during pregnancy.