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ANR (Asian Nursing Research)

년도별 ‘권’과 ‘호’를 선택해 주세요 (SSN 1598-2874(38권 4호까지), ISSN 2005-3673(38권 5호부터)

Subject Relationships Among Character Strengths, Self-efficacy, Social Support, Depression, and Psychological Well-being of Hospital Nurses
Name : Jianfei Xie; Min Liu; Zhuqing Zhong; Qiuxiang Zhang; Jianda Zhou; Lu Wang; Keke Ma; Siqing Ding; Xiaohong Zhang; Qian Sun; Andy S.K. Cheng Date : 2020년 08월 Page : p150~p157
Name Jianfei Xie; Min Liu; Zhuqing Zhong; Qiuxiang Zhang; Jianda Zhou; Lu Wang; Keke Ma; Siqing Ding; Xiaohong Zhang; Qian Sun; Andy S.K. Cheng Date 2020년 08월 Page p150~p157 인쇄
File Relationships Among Character Strengths, Self-efficacy, Social.pdf
Keyword character; depression; nurses; self efficacy; social support
Purpose: From the perspective of positive psychology, our study aimed to explore depressive symptoms
and psychological well-being among Chinese nurses, as well as analyze the impacts of character
strengths, self-efficacy and social support on the mental health of nurses.
Methods: A cross-sectional and descriptive design using five self-reported questionnaires was used to
investigate a cohort of 4238 nurses during 2018. A structural equation modeling analysis was used to
verify a hypothetical model linking character strengths, self-efficacy, social support, depressive symptoms,
and psychological well-being.
Results: The prevalence of depression among this cohort of Chinese nurses was 58.1%. The mean scores
for caring, inquisitiveness, and self-control were 19.93 (SD = 2.82), 15.94 (SD = 3.00), and 16.34
(SD = 2.95), respectively. The hypothesized model was a good fit of the data (x2/df = 1.77, p = .183, root
mean square error of approximation = 0.04, goodness of fit index = 1.00, comparative fit index = 1.00,
TuckereLewis index = 1.00). Except for the path from self-control to depression, the other hypothetical
paths investigated were statistically significant.
Conclusion: Character strengths were directly and positively associated with psychological well-being.
Inquisitiveness was the strongest direct protective factor for depression. In addition, character
strengths indirectly alleviated depression and increased psychological well-being through mediating
variables of social support and self-efficacy. This study should alert nurse managers that more attention
should be paid to the character strengths and mental health of nurses. This study provides evidence for
interventions based on character strengths as a management strategy to support the mental health of