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ANR (Asian Nursing Research)

년도별 ‘권’과 ‘호’를 선택해 주세요 (SSN 1598-2874(38권 4호까지), ISSN 2005-3673(38권 5호부터)

Subject Development and Validation of the Humanistic Practice Ability of Nursing Scale
Name : Jinhua Zhang; Xiaoyan Zhou; Hefang Wang; Yanyan Luo; Wei Li Date : 2021년 05월 Page : p105~p112
Name Jinhua Zhang; Xiaoyan Zhou; Hefang Wang; Yanyan Luo; Wei Li Date 2021년 05월 Page p105~p112 인쇄
File Development and Validation of Humanistic Practice Ability of Nursing Scale.pdf
Keyword factor analysis; statistical; humanism; nurses; psychometrics
The purpose of this study was to develop a Humanistic Practice Ability of Nursing (HPAN) scale adapted to China and validate its psychometric properties.
The original HPAN scale was revised through a literature review. Sixteen experts who met the inclusion criteria were consulted 2 rounds by the Delphi method. According to their suggestions and opinions, the structure, content, and semantics of each item of HPAN were modified, and a HPAN scale was preliminarily developed. The HPAN scale was validated through item analysis, exploratory factor analysis, convergent validity, and reliability. The data came from 406 first-class hospital nurses.
A 5-dimension, 29-item HPAN scale demonstrated satisfactory fit with significant factor loadings. The split-half reliability coefficient of the scale was .98, the split-half reliability coefficient of each dimension was .86–.99, Cronbach's α coefficient was .96, and the Cronbach's α coefficient of each dimension was .87–.98. The model fit of the scale was good, and the items of the scale showed convergent and discriminant validity.
The HPAN scale indicated that the reliability and validity were good. It is easy to imply factors of HPAN. This scale can be used to assess the HPAN.