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ANR (Asian Nursing Research)

년도별 ‘권’과 ‘호’를 선택해 주세요 (SSN 1598-2874(38권 4호까지), ISSN 2005-3673(38권 5호부터)

Subject The Lived Experience of First-time Mothers with Congenital Heart Disease
Name : Yu-Ting Liu, Chun-Wei Lu, Pei-Fan Mu, Ying-Mei Shu, Chi-Wen Chen Date : 2022년 08월 Page : p140~p148
Name Yu-Ting Liu, Chun-Wei Lu, Pei-Fan Mu, Ying-Mei Shu, Chi-Wen Chen Date 2022년 08월 Page p140~p148 인쇄
File 3 The Lived Experience of First-time Mothers with Congenital Heart Disease.pdf
Keyword heart defects congenital pregnancy mothers qualitative research
Purpose: Nowadays most children with congenital heart disease (CHD) are expected to survive to
adulthood. The healthcare focus needs to pay close attention to the important developmental tasks
during their growth process. The women with CHD face some challenges in their critically developmental
stages during pregnancy, delivery, and even motherhood. The lived experience of being a mother needs
to be further concerned. This study aimed to explore the lived experience of first-time mothers with
Methods: Descriptive phenomenological design was adopted. Semi-structured interviews were conducted
from April to August 2018 with 11 primiparous women with CHD, who were recruited from the
pediatric and adult cardiology outpatient departments at a medical center and who had a child aged
between 6 months and 3 years. Giorgi's phenomenological analysis method was employed.
Results: Six main themes arose from the analysis: (1) recognizing pregnancy risks, (2) performing selfcare
for health, (3) building self-worth from my baby, (4) adapting to postpartum life and adjusting
priorities, (5) enjoying being a first-time mother, and (6) the factors contributing to success in high-risk
Conclusions: The experiences that occurred prior to and after labor that were identified in this study can
assist women with CHD to more capably prepare for and understand the process of becoming a mother,
including recognition of the importance of a prepregnancy evaluation. The findings of this study can help
women with CHD to better understand the path to becoming a mother and prepare themselves for the
challenges that lie ahead.