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  • ANR (Asian Nursing Research)

ANR (Asian Nursing Research)

The Asian Nursing Research (ANR) is the official journal of the Korean Society of Nursing Science. ANR is an international, peer reviewed, open access (free submission and free access), scientific journal that seeks to promote the development and dissemination of knowledge that is directly relevant to all spheres of nursing practice, policy and professional issues. Asian Nursing aims to support evidence, informed policy and practice by publishing research, systematic and other scholarly reviews, critical discussion, and commentary of the highest standard. Invited papers that contribute to nursing knowledge and debate are published at the discretion of the Editor. The ISO abbreviated title of the journal is Asian Nurs Res. It is published by Elsevier beginning in June 2007, and indexed/abstracted in CINAHL, Embase, Science Direct, SCOPUS, Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), Current Contents/Social and Behavioral Sciences (SBS), Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) and Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition and Social Sciences Edition for five times (28th February, 31st May, 31st August, 31st October, 31st December) in a year. It has been indexed in Medline since 2014.

-Announcement of Paper Submission and Review Benefits-
1. Editorial Board Submission Benefits:
When an editorial board member gives in a submission as the first author or corresponding author, a 20% discount on the APC fee will be provided.

2. Reviewer Expedited Review Benefits:
When a reviewer gives in a submission as the first author or corresponding author and completes the review process on time for 3 consecutive reivew, a 15% discount on the APC fee will be provided.

For further details and inquiries, please contact the editorial department at

Free full-texts both in XML and PDF are available in the journal's homepage at

Manuscripts should be submitted electronically via
The manuscript should be written in English and a minimum standard of the proficiency in the English language should be met before submission to the editorial office.
(Tel: +82-2-567-7236, E-mail:

PISSN (Print) 1976-1317
ISSN (Online) 2093-7482

© Korean Society of Nursing Science,
Published by Elsevier Korea LLC. All rights reserved.