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  • ANR (Asian Nursing Research)

ANR (Asian Nursing Research)

년도별 ‘권’과 ‘호’를 선택해 주세요 (ISSN 1598-2874(38권 4호까지), ISSN 2005-3673(38권 5호부터)

제목 Modified Research Utilization Questionnaire: Development and Validation Study among Italian Nurses
저자 : Rosario Caruso, Anna M. Grugnetti, Umberto Pastore, Federica Dellafiore, Francesco Pittella, Davide Ausili, Alessandro Stievano, Cristina Arrigoni 게시일 : 2019년 02월 페이지 : p61~p68
저자 Rosario Caruso, Anna M. Grugnetti, Umberto Pastore, Federica Dellafiore, Francesco Pittella, Davide Ausili, Alessandro Stievano, Cristina Arrigoni 게시일 2019년 02월 페이지 p61~p68 인쇄
파일 mm__201902271104450.pdf
키워드 evidence-based nursing; nursing; psychometrics
The purpose of this study was to develop the modified research utilization questionnaire (M-RUQ) and to establish its content and face validity, construct validity, and reliability.

This study has a multiphase (three phases), methodological, and cross-sectional design. First, research utilization questionnaire (RUQ) was translated into Italian, which is the target language to develop the M-RUQ. Second, the RUQ psychometric proprieties were assessed using exploratory factorial analysis to identify ambiguous or problematic items (e.g., cross-loadings) (cross-sectional sampling A). The RUQ modification (i.e., item deleting, wording modification, and scoring procedure) represented the development of the M-RUQ among Italian nurses. The third phase was aimed to confirm the construct validity of the M-RUQ and to test its stability and internal consistency (cross-sectional sampling B).

This study's findings show that M-RUQ has a three-dimensional structure and a total of 22 items. The M-RUQ shows evidence of validity and reliability. Precisely, the factorial structure coming from an exploratory factorial analysis on the first sample (n = 504) was confirmed by a final model of confirmatory factorial analysis (CFA) on a second sample (n = 362). The final CFA model showed adequate goodness of fit, where all the factor loadings showed values higher than .40. Cronbach's α was satisfactory for each domain and for the overall scale. Furthermore, the M-RUQ showed good stability described by the test–retest.

The M-RUQ should be used to assess research utilization among nurses for educational or research purposes to address the practice. Further research about its validity and reliability is suggested.