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  • ANR (Asian Nursing Research)

ANR (Asian Nursing Research)

년도별 ‘권’과 ‘호’를 선택해 주세요 (ISSN 1598-2874(38권 4호까지), ISSN 2005-3673(38권 5호부터)

제목 Development and Validation of an Interprofessional Collaboration Scale for Home Health Care for the Frail Elderly
저자 : Keiko Tsukasaki, Kaoru Kyota, Tomoya Itatani 게시일 : 2022년 05월 페이지 : p106~p113
저자 Keiko Tsukasaki, Kaoru Kyota, Tomoya Itatani 게시일 2022년 05월 페이지 p106~p113 인쇄
파일 ANR16(2)_Development and Validation of an Interprofessional Collaboration Scale for Home Health Care for the Frail Elderly.pdf
키워드 Community health services Frail elderly Home care services Interprofessional relations
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to develop an interprofessional collaboration (IPC) scale for home
health care for frail elderly.
Methods: The first items of the IPC scale included collaboration members' attitudes, awareness, motivation,
team strength, communication, relationships, information, care recipients' interests, effects,
development, utilization of social resources, contributions to the community, and crisis management.
The subjects were 512 care managers who work in home care support offices across Japan. They manage
interprofessional collaboration in home health care for frail elderly who need care at 65 years old and
above. The scale's construct validity, internal consistency, the validity of known groups, concurrent
validity, and test-retest reliability (193 subjects) were examined.
Results: The final IPC scale's items consisted of four factors (37 items): the strength of interprofessional
teams (16), the management of collaborative systems (7), effects of collaboration (8), and communication
(6). Four factors explained 58.6% of the total explained variance. The modified model fit of the scale
achieved acceptable levels. The Cronbach's a coefficient for all items was .97. The sum of communication
factor in the cities/wards group was lower than those in the towns/villages group. There were differences
between the sum and each factor with different levels of ease to collaborate. The intraclass correlation
coefficient for all items in the first and second assessments was .875.
Conclusions: The validity and reliability of the IPC scale have been verified. This scale can be used to
assess the IPC for home health care for frail elderly.