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  • ANR (Asian Nursing Research)

ANR (Asian Nursing Research)

년도별 ‘권’과 ‘호’를 선택해 주세요 (ISSN 1598-2874(38권 4호까지), ISSN 2005-3673(38권 5호부터)

제목 Development and Validation of Clinical Nursing Teacher Self-Efficacy Scale and Investigation of Self-Efficacy among Clinical Nursing Teachers
저자 : Pei-Ling Wu, Ying-Chen Tseng, Li-Chiu Chen, Shao-Mei Tseng, Hsiang-Chu Pai1 게시일 : 2022년 08월 페이지 : p125~p133
저자 Pei-Ling Wu, Ying-Chen Tseng, Li-Chiu Chen, Shao-Mei Tseng, Hsiang-Chu Pai1 게시일 2022년 08월 페이지 p125~p133 인쇄
파일 1 Development and Validation of Clinical Nursing Teacher Self-Efficacy Scale and Investigation of Self-Efficacy among Clinical Nursing Teachers.pdf
키워드 nursing teacher self-efficacy scale
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to (1) add relevant contemporary items to develop an assessment
instrument for the self-efficacy of clinical nursing teachers, to verify and evaluate the validity and reliability
of the instrument, and (2) investigate the self-efficacy of clinical nursing teachers.
Method: A cross-sectional study was designed. A total of 205 clinical nursing teachers were recruited in
Taiwan. Data were collected using the Clinical Nursing Teacher Self-efficacy Scale. An exploratory factor
analysis was performed to examine the scale.
Results: The degree of self-efficacy of clinical nursing teachers was moderate to high. The 35-item scale
showed great psychometric qualities. The Cronbach coefficient of the overall scale was 0.92; and 0.83,
0.91, 0.93, and 0.87 on the four subscales were acceptable. Four factors were extracted by exploratory
factor analysis and explained 68.53% of the total variance. Four factors were (i) teachers' professional
growth ability, (ii) teaching ability, (iii) clinical nursing competencies, and (iv) personality traits. The
highest self-efficacy category evaluated by teachers was personality traits; the second was clinical
nursing competencies; after that, teaching ability and teachers’ professional growth ability. The item with
the lowest self-efficacy was foreign language ability (English).
Conclusion: Clinical nursing teachers have a moderate to high degree of self-efficacy. This scale with good
reliability and validity can be used for the training and evaluation of the self-efficacy of clinical nursing