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  • ANR (Asian Nursing Research)

ANR (Asian Nursing Research)

년도별 ‘권’과 ‘호’를 선택해 주세요 (ISSN 1598-2874(38권 4호까지), ISSN 2005-3673(38권 5호부터)

제목 Patient Safety Culture and Speaking Up Among Health Care Workers
저자 : Seung Eun Lee, V. Susan Dahinten, Ja-Kyung Seo, InYoung Park, Mi Young Lee, Hye Sung Han 게시일 : 2023년 02월 페이지 : p30~p36
저자 Seung Eun Lee, V. Susan Dahinten, Ja-Kyung Seo, InYoung Park, Mi Young Lee, Hye Sung Han 게시일 2023년 02월 페이지 p30~p36 인쇄
파일 5_Patient safety culture and speaking up among healthcare workers.pdf
키워드 assertiveness organizational Culture patient Safety
Purpose: Although previous research showed the importance of safety culture on health care workers'
speaking up behaviors, it is not clear how particular safety culture domains are associated with the
speaking up behaviors of hospital staff. Also, researchers have suggested that health care workers’
speaking up behaviors vary by profession, but there has been limited research into such differences.
Thus, this study examined differences in perceptions of patient safety culture and the promotive and
prohibitive speaking up behaviors of health care workers by profession and investigated the relationꠓships between patient safety culture and the two types of speaking up behaviors.
Methods: A descriptive correlational study was conducted using secondary data collected through an
online survey of health care workers at a private, nonprofit, tertiary-level teaching hospital in South
Korea. The sample (N ¼ 831) consisted of nurses (54.0%), physicians (13.0%), and other licensed and
unlicensed hospital personnel (33.0%). Analyses of variance were conducted to examine differences in
study variables by profession. Hierarchical regression analyses were conducted to evaluate the effects of
the seven patient safety culture factors on promotive and prohibitive voice after controlling for tenure
and profession.
Results: Perceptions of safety culture and promotive voice behaviors were higher for physicians
compared with nurses. Communication openness, reporting patient adverse events, and unit supervisors'
and hospital managements’ support for patient safety were significant predictors of both types of voice
Conclusion: Hospital administrators and unit managers should create a supportive environment where
staff feel free to voice their concerns and suggestions. They should also pay attention to the varying
perspectives held by different groups of hospital workers and their different voice behaviors. Knowing
which dimensions of patient safety culture are most strongly related to health care workers’ voice beꠓhaviors can guide patient safety improvement activities in health care organizations.