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  • JKAN(Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing)

JKAN(Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing)

년도별 ‘권’과 ‘호’를 선택해 주세요 (ISSN 1598-2874(38권 4호까지), ISSN 2005-3673(38권 5호부터)

제목 Factors Influencing Health Behavior Related to Particulate Matter in Older Adults
저자 : Park, Min Kyung · Kim, Gwang Suk 게시일 : 2020년 06월 페이지 : p431~p443
저자 Park, Min Kyung · Kim, Gwang Suk 게시일 2020년 06월 페이지 p431~p443 인쇄
파일 09)(431-443)JKAN_19-201.pdf
키워드 Aged; Particulate Matter; Health Behavior; Perception; Attitude
Purpose: This study aimed to investigate health behavior related to particulate matter (PM) in older adults and examine the factors affecting it. Methods: A cross-sectional survey design was used. Data were collected from 150 voluntary older adult participants from Songpa-gu in Seoul. The survey questions measured service perception and experience related to PM, risk perception related to PM, attitude toward risk of PM, and health behavior related to PM. Results: The average score for health behavior related to PM was 79.37, ranging from 51 to 115. There was a significant positive correlation between health behavior related to PM and risk perception related to PM (r=.58, p <.001) as well as between health behavior related to PM and attitude toward risk of PM (r=.70, p <.001). Multiple linear regression revealed that health behavior related to PM was predicted by levels of the existence of disease related to PM (β=.14, p =.019), service experience related to PM (b=.20, p =.021), risk perception related to PM b=.20, p =.019), and attitude toward risk of PM (b=.44, p <.001). The model including these variables accounted for 47.0% of health behavior related to PM. Conclusion: Korean older adults have the low level of health behavior related to PM. The findings of this study emphasize that risk perception and attitude toward risk of PM should be evaluated, and the underlying diseases related to PM and their service experience should be considered in developing intervention to improve health behavior related to PM.