
  • 홈
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  • JKAN(Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing)

JKAN(Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing)

년도별 ‘권’과 ‘호’를 선택해 주세요 (ISSN 1598-2874(38권 4호까지), ISSN 2005-3673(38권 5호부터)

제목 The Influence of Family Function on Occupational Attitude of Chinese Nursing Students in the Probation Period: The Moderation Effect of Social Support
저자 : Li, Rui · Tang, Ruizhi · Li, Zijia · Jiang, Hongbo · Liu, Xin · Wang, Wei 게시일 : 2021년 12월 페이지 : p746~p757
저자 Li, Rui · Tang, Ruizhi · Li, Zijia · Jiang, Hongbo · Liu, Xin · Wang, Wei 게시일 2021년 12월 페이지 p746~p757 인쇄
파일 (09) JKAN21-103(AOP)_1208.pdf
키워드 Nurses; Attitude; Family; Social Support
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore the factors influencing the occupational attitudes of nursing students in the probation period. Methods: Nursing students in the probation period from five hospitals completed an anonymous survey. The instruments included the nursing occupational attitude scale, family adaptability, partnership, growth, affection, and resolve index, and perceived social support scale. The study examined the moderation model between family function, perceived social support, and occupational attitudes using PROCESS 3.2. Results: For nursing students, when social support was low, family function had a significant positive impact on occupational attitudes and intentions, and the effect was much higher than that of perceived social support. Conclusion: Family function has a significant positive explanatory effect on attitude and intention (β = .13, p < .001 and β = .12, p < .001); the interaction term between family function and perceived social support are significant (β = .01, p < .001 and β = .01, p < .001). Perceived social support has a significant moderating effect on the relationship between family function and occupational attitudes of nursing students in the probation period. Family function has a significant difference in the occupational attitudes and intentions of nursing students with low perceived social support. Nursing students perceive social support in the probation period has a significant moderation effect in the relationship between their family function and occupational attitudes. Interns with low family function should be given more social support to improve their occupational attitudes.