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  • JKAN(Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing)

JKAN(Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing)

년도별 ‘권’과 ‘호’를 선택해 주세요 (ISSN 1598-2874(38권 4호까지), ISSN 2005-3673(38권 5호부터)

제목 Validity and Reliability of the Korean Version of Assessment of Health Literacy in Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening
저자 : Shin, Hye Sook · Chi, Eunlim · Han, Hae-Ra 게시일 : 2021년 12월 페이지 : p769~p781
저자 Shin, Hye Sook · Chi, Eunlim · Han, Hae-Ra 게시일 2021년 12월 페이지 p769~p781 인쇄
파일 (11) JKAN21-108.pdf
키워드 Health Literacy; Cancer Screening; Breast; Uterine Cervix; Psychometrics
Purpose: Health literacy is a significant determinant of health and health behaviors such as cancer screening. Despite its significance, there are limited instruments available to assess health literacy targeting Koreans. The purpose of this study was to test the psychometric properties of Korean translation of a validated health literacy instrument in cancer screening—Korean version of assessment of health literacy in breast and cervical cancer screening (K-AHL-C). Methods: A total of 555 women aged 20~65 participated in the online survey study. Of 52 items addressing five domains included in the original version, we focused on 36 items addressing three key domains closely associated with cancer screening: familiarity, health navigation, and comprehension. Results: During content validation, two items from the health navigation domain were removed, yielding 34 items. Using Rasch analysis and confirmatory factor analysis, we found the evidence of construct validity of K-AHL-C. The Korean version was also significantly correlated with measures of Functional Health Literacy scale, cancer prevention behaviors, and subjective health status, suggesting convergent validities respectively. Finally, K-AHL-C had acceptable reliability coefficients (α) ranging from 0.71 to 0.92 for each domain and the total scale. Conclusion: These psychometric properties support the K-AHL-C is a valid and reliable instrument for measuring Koreans’ health literacy in cancer screening. Also it is expected to use the instrument to detect breast and cervical cancer early and improve the screening rate, and ultimately to contribute to the promotion of women's health and women's health nursing practice.