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  • JKAN(Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing)

JKAN(Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing)

년도별 ‘권’과 ‘호’를 선택해 주세요 (ISSN 1598-2874(38권 4호까지), ISSN 2005-3673(38권 5호부터)

제목 The Effects of the Combined Biofeedback and Brief Emotion Regulation Nursing Intervention Based on the Gross Model for Sexually Abused Adolescents
저자 : Ji Eun Kim, Wan Ju Park 게시일 : 2022년 12월 페이지 : p608~p623
저자 Ji Eun Kim, Wan Ju Park 게시일 2022년 12월 페이지 p608~p623 인쇄
파일 (06) JKAN22-088.pdf
키워드 Adolescent; Biofeedback; Emotion Regulation; Nursing; Sex Offenses
Purpose: This study aimed to evaluate the effects of a combined biofeedback and brief emotion regulation (C-BABER) program for sexually abused adolescents. Methods: This study employed a non-equivalent control group pretest-posttest design. The participants included 26 sexually abused adolescents from eight Sunflower Centers of South Korea–with 13 in the experimental group and 13 in the control group. The experimental group received four sessions of the individual C-BABER program, each lasting 60 minutes. Results: Compared with the control group, sexually abused adolescents in the experimental group exhibited significant score differences in traumatic symptoms, including depression (Z = - 2.24, p = .025), dissociation (Z = - 2.21, p = .027), anxiety (Z = - 2.02, p = .044), and posttraumatic stress (Z = - 2.01 p = .045); and impulsivity, including positive urgency (Z = - 3.35, p = .001) and negative urgency (Z = - 2.28, p = .023). Additionally, the experimental group exhibited significant score differences in meta-mood, including emotional attention (Z = - 2.45, p = .014), emotional
clarity (Z = - 2.30, p = .021), and emotional repair (Z = - 2.28, p = .022); and emotional regulation modes, including emotional suppression(Z = - 2.65, p = .008) and cognitive reappraisal (Z = - 1.98, p = .047). Regarding bio-attention, significant changes were identified in the experimental group for the bio-attention rate and attention maintenance time in the posttest compared to the pretest (p = .001). Conclusion:
The C-BABER program for sexually abused adolescents is effective in decreasing traumatic symptoms and impulsivity, and in improving meta-mood, emotional regulation mode, and bio-attention. Therefore, we recommend providing sexually abused adolescents the C-BABER program to help them regulate their emotions and effectively adapt to their lives.